Bilbao. Ayuntamiento y pasarela del perro-chico. The Journal of te Iron and Steel Institute. Vol. L, 1997 / Colección Joaquín Cárcamo.


En los primeros días de septiembre de 1896, El Instituto del Hierro y Acero de Londres, la más importante organización mundial de su ámbito, celebró su congreso anual en Bilbao. Fue el reconocimiento universal de la importancia de la minería y la siderurgia vizcaína. Las actas del congreso se recogieron en el volumen L de la publicación oficial de Instituto, The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, de 1897. Los congresistas fueron recibidos en el Ayuntamiento por el entonces alcalde Emiliano Olano Loizaga -que junto con su padre habia sido uno de los fundadores de La Vizcaya en 1882- y el presidente del Instituto Sir David Dale (1829-1906), quien estaba relacionado con empresas mineras vizcaínas y al parecer había tenido protagonismo con la Consett Iron Company en la creación de la Orconera Iron Ore Co.

En el congreso se presentaron dos trabajos sobre la minería y la industria vizcaína y española. Sus autores fueron los ingenieros Pablo de Alzola y William Gill. Asimismo, fueron nombrados miembros del Instituto los empresarios vascos Luis Mª Aznar y Ramón de la Sota. Recogemos aquí, el texto introductorio publicado entonces en la revista mencionada y algunas de las fotografías publicadas.

No fue la única vez en la que el Iron and Steel Institute se reunió en Bilbao ya que, 32 años más tarde, de nuevo los asociados volvieron a viajar a la Villa para asistir al Congreso de Bilbao de 1928 del cual ya hemos escrito en este blog.




Instalaciones de la Sociedad Altos Hornos. The Journal of te Iron and Steel Institute. Vol. L, 1997 / Colección Joaquín Cárcamo.


THE AUTUMN MEETING of THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE was held at the Provincial College, Bilbao, on Tuesday, September 1, 1896—Sir DAVID DALE, Bart., President, in the chair.

The ACTING ALCALDE of Bilbao, in gracefully welcoming the Institute to Spain, said that the task which had devolved upon him of addressing a few words to the members of the Iron and Steel Institute was a difficult one, as he knew full well how eloquently Don Emiliano de Olano would have expressed his cordial welcome. He was, however, extremely gratified at having the opportunity of addressing the members, and extending to them a hearty welcome in the name of the town of Bilbao. During the last few days the town had been honoured by the visit of musical artists of great fame; and now it was further honoured by the visit of an Association which embodied technical progress not only in England but throughout the world. He sincerely hoped that in visiting the works and mines of the district the members would find all that they expected to see, and that they would thenceforward remember that there was one town in the world that felt the deepest interest in all that concerned material, intellectual, and moral progress.

The president replied that the Council and members of the Institute highly appreciated the compliment conveyed in the official reception that had been accorded to them. That was probably the first occasion on which the great majority of the members had visited Bilbao; but no one of them was ignorant of the high historic rank and reputation of the city, or of the great prescience and wisdom with which it had recognised that, in modern conditions of civilisation, rank and importance could only be maintained by application with energy to indus­trial and commercial pursuits. In that respect Bilbao had be-come entitled to rank as one of the first commercial cities not only of Spain but of Western Europe. At the meeting on Wednesday, and more especially at the banquet on Thursday, it would be his pleasing duty to recognise more fully the arrangements that had been made for the entertainment and instruction of the members, and it was therefore unnecessary to enlarge upon the subject on the present occasion; they were not, however, on that account less sensible of the honour that had been done them. In behalf of his colleagues and himself he again thanked their friends very heartily for the official reception accorded to the members of the Institute.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secretary and confirmed.

Vista de la estación de la mina Concha. Mina Orconera. The Journal of te Iron and Steel Institute. Vol. L, 1997 / Colección Joaquín Cárcamo.


The president said he had to announce officially that of which the members had already become indirectly acquainted, viz., that the Council had selected Mr. E. P. Martin to succeed him in the presidential chair in May next. He perceived by the applause of the members that they had already anticipated what he was about to say—that he was sure that such a nomination would meet with hearty and universal approval.

Mr. E. P. martin, Vice-President, begged leave to thank the members sincerely for the position in which they had placed him. While accepting it, he could not but feel that, though very honourable, it was also very onerous. He earnestly hoped that when his term of office had expired, he should be found to have given the members as much satisfaction as the distinguished Presidents who had preceded him.

The president said that, in accordance with the rules, it was his duty to announce the names of the retiring Vice-Presidents and members of the Council. The three Vice-Presidents who would retire in May next were Sir John Alleyne, Bart., Mr. James Riley, and Mr. Snelus. The members of Council retiring were Mr. W. Beardmore, Mr. E. A. Hadfield, Sir B. Hingley, Bart., Sir W. T. Lewis, Bart., and Mr. S. R. Platt. All those gentlemen, both Vice-Presidents and members of Council, were, he believed, eligible for re-election.

Mr. A. P. HEAD and Mr. JAMES I´ANSON were appointed scrutineers, and on the completion of their scrutiny reported that the following gentlemen had been duly elected members of the Institute:—

The PRESIDENT said that the first paper to be read was one by Don Pablo de Alzola on the Spanish Iron Industry. It was a paper of great importance, containing a large amount of statistical Information, and giving a clear idea of the present condition of the Spanish iron industry. The full details given of the Altos Hornos Iron and Steel Works, and other works about to be visited, would render it of special value to the members ; and the author’s eminence as a civil engineer and director of the Altos Hornos Works could not fail to add to the weight of the views which it propounded.

The following paper was then read :—



2020/05/20 Instituto del Hierro y Acero de Londres. El Congreso de Bilbao de 1928 (II)

2020/05/19 Instituto del Hierro y Acero de Londres. El Congreso de Bilbao de 1928 (I)


Puente entre Las Arenas y Portugalete. The Journal of te Iron and Steel Institute. Vol. L, 1997 / Colección Joaquín Cárcamo.

