Industrial Tourism in the Basque Country leaflet, presented at the B-Travel Fair/B-Industrial. Barcelona, March 2019 / Photo by AVPIOP.
For several years, industrial tourism has received special attention at the annual B-Travel Tourism Trade Show, organised by Fira de Barcelona. The Exhibition has a specific section, B-Industrial, coordinated by El Generador, a firm managed by Josep M Pei that focuses its work on the growing sector of industrial tourism.
The Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Consumer Affairs of the Basque Government has been present with its own stand throughout the Fair, from 27 to 29 March. The attractions and the global offer of industrial tourism in the Basque Country have been on display for professionals and visitors, and the promotional guide “Industrial Tourism in the Basque Country” has been presented. The guide provides detailed information about the main resources that make up the industrial tourism offer in the Basque Country. It is available for downloading on the official website, www.industrialdia.eus. and issuu (in Spanish and Basque. Soon available also in English: https://industrialdia.eus/).
The Fair also hosted sessions for professionals, as we reported on a previous post. The president of the Basque Association for Industrial Heritage and Public Works (AVPIOP), Javier Puertas Juez, attended the conference and delivered the presentation “Four decades of activism and dissemination of the Basque industrial heritage”, where he outlined AVPIOP’s vision of the role of voluntary associations in the research, inventory, cataloguing, dissemination, protection and management of industrial heritage, and more specifically regarding industrial tourism.

Industrial Tourism in the Basque Country stand, at the B-Travel Fair/B-Industrial. Barcelona, March 2019 / Photo by AVPIOP

Hall of the Montjuic Exhibition Centre devoted to Tourism during the B-Travel Fair 2019 / Photo by AVPIOP.
2019/03/31 Euskadiko Turismo Industrialak badu sustapen liburuxka. Gobernuak B-Travel 2019an aurkeztu du
2019/03/30 El turismo industrial de Euskadi ya tiene guía. El Gobierno la presenta en B-Travel 2019.
2019/03/17 AVPIOP participa en la Jornada Profesional de Turismo Industrial de Barcelona B-Travel
2018/11/06 AVPIOP asesora a Basquetour en el diseño del producto turístico “Turismo Industrial de Euskadi” (I)
2018/05/11 I Foro Internacional de Turismo Industrial en Euskadi. Portugalete, 12/11/2018
2017/12/08 AVPIOP y los comienzos del Turismo Industrial en el País Vasco: 1997-2017 (y III)
2016/12/23 AVPIOP y los comienzos del Turismo Industrial en el País Vasco: 1997-2017 (II)
2016/12/08 AVPIOP y los comienzos del Turismo Industrial en el País Vasco: 1997-2017 (I)
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