The Basque Association of Industrial Heritage and Public Works – AVPIOP is a stakeholder in the interregional cooperation project CREADIS3-Smart Creative Districts, coordinated by the Department of Culture of the Basque Government in order to support the development of more efficient CCI policies aiming to generate innovation and economic development in European regions.

Visit of the CREADIS3-Smart Creative Districts project partners to Konsoni Lantegia, the storehouse of the Deparment of Culture of the Basque Government in Zorrozarurre where movable industrial heritage is kept (photo by AVPIOP).
In this framework, last July 3rd we participated in the study visit that the project partners made to the Basque Country. We visited Konsoni Lantegia, the movable industrial heritage storehouse of the Deparment of Culture of the Basque Government, together with representatives from Central Finland, Emilia Romagna, Western Greece, Wallonia and Slovakia. The focus of the visit was industrial heritage, creativity and innovation, and we had the chance to discover one of the most constant characteristics of the Basque industry: its capacity for innovation and reinvention. The machines, tools and artifacts preserved in Konsoni Lantegia became eloquent testimonies of the creativity of our industries.
We would like to thank all the people who took part in the study visit for the interest they showed in the movable industrial heritage collection. Eskerrik asko!

The CREADIS3-Smart Creative Districts project partners’ representatives hear the explanations given by Ainara Martínez Matía at Konsoni Lantegia, the movable industrial heritage storehouse of the Deparment of Culture of the Basque Government in Zorrozarurre (photo by AVPIOP).
The visit report was published in the Interreg Europe CREADIS3 e-Newsletter No.5/July 2018:
Short after visiting ZAWP, the group enjoyed a guided tour in the old Consonni factory in Zorrotzaurre area, provided by the Basque Association of Industrial Heritage and Public Works, a non-profit civil association, pioneer in Spain in the preservation and promotion of the reuse of old industrial spaces.
During the tour in Consonni, Ainara Martínez showed and explained some of the most relevant industrial heritage elements of the collection stored in the old factory that is intended to serve as a content for the future Basque Warehouse-Museum of Industry.
Read more on Basque Association of Industrial Heritage and Public Works – AVPIOP:
2018/03/27 Historia del Museo de la Técnica de Euskadi: (VI) 1982: Lutxana y las primeras donaciones
2018/03/26 Historia del Museo de la Técnica de Euskadi: (V) 1982: Los orígenes del Museo y de AVPIOP
2018/03/06 Historia del Museo de la Técnica de Euskadi: (IV) El concurso de proyectos de 1990
2018/02/23 Historia del Museo de la Técnica de Euskadi: (III) El concurso de proyectos de 1990
2018/02/23 Historia del Museo de la Técnica de Euskadi: (II) La concepción, 1982.
2018/02/22 Historia del Museo de la Técnica de Euskadi: (I) De Lutxana a Zorrotzaurre
2018/02/21 El Museo de la Industria y la Técnica de Euskadi ¿Más cerca?
2017/11/01 JEP 2017. AVPIOP visita Zorrotzaurre: la última isla, y Konsoni Lantegia, en Bilbao
2014/05/16 Las Juntas Generales de Bizkaia aprueban que se abra el Museo Vasco de la Industria.
2013/12/14 Fallece Ramón Labayen, exconsejero de Cultura del Gobierno Vasco. Goian bego. DEP.
2012/12/14 Se presenta en Konsoni Lantegia el libro “Patrimonio Industrial en el País Vasco” (y II)
2012/12/07 Se presenta en Konsoni Lantegia el libro “Patrimonio Industrial en el País Vasco” (I)
2012/12/01 La presentación en Konsoni Lantegia del libro “Patrimonio Industrial en el País Vasco”, en la prensa
2012/11/30 El Departamento de Cultura publica el libro “Patrimonio Industrial en el País Vasco”
2011/04/25 Entrevista a Javier Puertas, presidente y Joaquín Cárcamo, de AVPIOP, sobre el Museo Vasco de la Industria.
2011/04/25 El patrimonio industrial mueble del País Vasco se preserva en Zorrotzaurre (Bilbao)
2011/04/25 Zorrotzaurre acogerá el centro de referencia del Patrimonio Industrial.
2011/01/18 AVPIOP: Por un Museo de la Industria para Euskadi.
2009/12/15 Patrimonio Industrial en el País Vasco. AVPIOP reclama su protección y valoración.
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